Welcome to my health blog!

Please Donate to help me heal. Illnesses have completely changed my life. I will share with you my experiences and what I've realized, it will probably make you think about what to do with your life, especially your health. I want to live a meaningful life and have found my calling. I am making efforts to help you and everyone stay healthy. When you have health, you can do what you want with full potential. The key to happiness is to give and help others in hardships. Love yourself more each day and please continue to give. What do you do every day to prevent illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and many others? Please don't let it be too late.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Are You a True Friend

I appreciate those who help me through the most difficult time of my life. I've talked to many people throughout my life and cared about them, but when I'm sick, sadly some of them show that they don't care about my well being. Those who support you when you're ill are your true friends. You don't know who your friends are until you're sick. People who left include:
Duyen Do (I knew her online)
Trang Ngoc Nguyen
Trang Thuy Nguyen
Thu Val Truong
David Vo
Alexander Cao Do (I knew him online)
Nguyet Anh Thi Tran

Everyone gets sick sooner or later. Remember this, life changes all the time; you don't know whether what lies ahead of you is fortunate or unfortunate. Imagine when you get sick, others leave you, how would you feel? You would feel depressed and hurt. If you help others when they're sick, then when you're sick, someone will help you back. One day, you'll understand how I felt when you left like that. Later, don't come back as if you've ever considered me your friend. However, you can still support my contributions to the world. Although you didn't treat me the way you should, I don't hold a grudge against you. Hopefully, you'll learn to be compassionate, feel others' pain and help others. Everyone contributes to the world in their own ways. Please Don't take anyone or anything for granted. A kind soul is priceless. If more people love and support the sick, there will be less ill people in the world and the sick will also heal faster.

Whether we're friends or not, I still want you to become a good person and always treat everyone kindly. I suggest you to read the book "Chicken Soup for the Soul" as soon as possible. It will change the way you see life in positive ways.

I'm not religious and I'm not trying to promote religion. I just found Joel Osteen's speech inspirational and meaningful and thought you might want to listen to it.
Video "Treat Every Person like a Gatekeeper"

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